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[OFFICIAL NOTICE] Los Angeles Minimum Wage & Paid Sick Leave

By Webmaster | July 19, 2024

2024 MWO Poster in English | 2024 MWO Poster in Spanish | 2024 MWO Poster in Korean POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE AT ANY WORKPLACE OR JOB SITE. VIOLATORS SHALL BE SUBJECT TO PENALTIES. (To Print out the poster,…

Automatic filing extension due to the California storms

By Webmaster | June 19, 2023

Dear Client, The IRS and FTB have put out numerous press releases related to the automatic filing extension due to the California storms. Here is the summary. Affected taxpayers Any taxpayer who resides in, or…

CHLK Tax Update – January 19, 2023

By Webmaster | January 23, 2023

IRS grants filing extensions to California storm victims The IRS is granting extensions to California storm victims until May 15, 2023, for the following filing and payment deadlines that were normally scheduled for on or…

2023 Firm Letters regarding Payroll, Form 1099, and New Employment Law Update for 2023

By Webmaster | January 4, 2023

Dear Client, Please find our 2023 Firm Letters regarding Payroll and Form 1099 (English and Korean versions are attached). An update regarding new employment laws in California for 2023 has also been attached. Please review and contact our office…

Newly Enacted Employment Law for 2023

By Webmaster | December 29, 2022

AB 1041 – Expansion of list of people an employee can take time off to care for Currently, under the California Family Rights Acts (CFRA), California employers with 5 or more employees must not refuse…

CHLK Tax Letter on July 20, 2022

By Webmaster | July 27, 2022

1.    CalSavers(AB 102): Employers with five or more employees must participate in CalSavers if they do not already have a workplace retirement plan by 6/30/22.  Employers must complete adding employee information and submit employee contributions by 7/31/22.…

City of Los Angeles & Unincorporated Area within LA County – New Minimum Wage Ordinance Effective 7/1/2022

By Webmaster | June 22, 2022

If your business is located inside the boundaries of City of Los Angeles, then you must follow the minimum wage schedule effective 7/1/2022.   Part I. City of Los Angeles  City of Los Angeles Minimum Wage…

Notice regarding Assembly Bill 150

By Webmaster | December 23, 2021

Dear client,   On July 16 2021, CA Governor signed Assembly bill 150, and the bill allows some pass-through entities taxed as S corporations and partnerships that do business in California to elect to pay…

Temporary allowance of full deduction for business meals on the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (the Act)

By Webmaster | January 22, 2021

Employers will be able to deduct 100% of their business meal expenses that are incurred in 2021 and 2022, rather than the standard 50%.The provision is limited to “food or beverages provided by a restaurant,”…

Employer tax benefit on the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (the Act)

By Webmaster | January 20, 2021

1. Extension of paid leave tax credits Under the FFCRA, employers with under 500 employees generally must provide paid leave to certain individuals impacted by COVID-19.  This requirement goes through December 31, 2020, and employers…